uva: 821 – Page Hopping ( Floyd Warshall )

821 – Page Hopping  ( Floyd Warshall )

Problem Analysis:

  • It was recently reported that, on the average, only 19 clicks are necessary to move from any page on the World Wide Web to any other page. That is, if the pages on the web are viewed as nodes in a graph, then the average path length between arbitrary pairs of nodes in the graph is 19
  • determine the average shortest path length between every pair of nodes, accurate to three fractional digits


  •  this is a problem of finding all pairs shortest path in given graph ( pages/nodes/vertexes )
  • it can be solved using all pairs shortest paths Floyd Warshall algorithm


Java solution:

import java.util.Scanner;

class Main_PageHopping_821 {

	public static void main(String[] args) {
		final int NoPath = 65000, limit=101;
		int node1, node2, testCase=0;
		int length[][];

		Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

			//if last test case exit
			node1 = sc.nextInt();
			node2 = sc.nextInt();

			if(node1==0 && node2 ==0) 	break;

			//init variables
			length= new int[limit][limit];

			for(int i=0;i
				for(int j=0;j<limit;j++)
					length[i][j] = NoPath;

			//read inputs
				length[node1][node2] = 1;
				length[node1][node1] = length[node2][node2] = 0;

				node1 = sc.nextInt();
				node2 = sc.nextInt();

			}while(node1>0 && node2>0);

			//Floyd Warshall algorithm

			for(int k=1; k<limit; k++)
				for(int i=1; i < limit; i++)
					for(int j=1; j<limit; j++)
						if(j==i) continue;

						if(length[i][j] > length[i][k] + length[k][j])
							length[i][j] = length[i][k] + length[k][j];

			int nodes=0;
			float sum=0;

			for(int i=1; i < limit; i++)
				for(int j=1;j<limit;j++)
					if( i==j && length[i][i] == 0) nodes++;
					else if(i!=j && length[i][j] != NoPath)
					//System.out.print(length[i][j]+"  ");

			float pairs = nodes * (nodes - 1);
			//System.out.println(sum + "/" + pairs);
		System.out.format("Case %d: average length between pages = %.3f clicks%n",testCase, (float)(sum/pairs));

Sample Input Output for the Sample Input
1 2 2 4 1 3 3 1 4 3 0 0
1 2 1 4 4 2 2 7 7 1 0 0
0 0
Case 1: average length between pages = 1.833 clicks
Case 2: average length between pages = 1.750 clicks